Freedom Career:

The first question to ask yourself should be, what is a freedom career? You may feel, it looks strange to me. My parents who studied employed and leading a family life couldn’t discuss it. They are employed, doing their household chores and also taking care of me. Then, how does it impact me? They are leading a busy life and seeing them fully busy and go to bed while tired. I agree.

The word “fully busy” and “tired” will pave the way for thinking of what I mention here after a while. You can ask your parents, siblings, relatives, friends about freedom career and then you can understand the missing line of what not learned and implemented by them so far.

Most of the people are working, keep on working in employment till retirement. Why? That’s the secret of unknowing oneself , how to lead a lifestyle? I am also part of what I say, but I have learned over a period of time and understand what is freedom of career and freedom of life. Why so many people are facing insomnia ? Other sickness which gives many more troubles in everyone’s life and taking pills every day? Most of us are facing stress, anxiety, depression which brings the life to standstill unless or until, they take pills?  Life teaches many lessons. It is highly advisable, not to become greedy of money. 

After reading my articles mentioning of freedom career, freedom lifestyle, now this question could crop up in your mind. WHAT IS A FREEDOM CAREER? WHAT IS A FREEDOM LIFESTYLE? When you start thinking about these two precious phrases, now you could start digging yourself. Your self-review will start. This is the point where you seek the wisdom of KNOW YOURSELF?.

You can also listen to the “Strangest Secret in the World” by Earl Nightingale published in 1950. Even though it gives deep dived information about human being faced and it is still valid, why? Surprisingly, it is followed till today. We are taught to burden ourselves in the way of buying necessary and unnecessary things for leading a life style of comfort at the initial stage, but feeling discomfort when the days are passing by. That’s why, all salaried people are unconsciously got into a factor of EMI, where every month, you should pay for your loans, borrowings. Though the employment earnings  give more money to pay for what you have purchased and left over money is compelled to lead a living, it causes enormous stress in you. It makes you sleepless nights and unending tiredness.

That’s why, freedom of life is important to understand and follow it. 

Everyone has varied talents, skills followed by knowledge, inherent special skills to sharpen their growth prospects in a way of developing required soft skills. The above three points are important to note and stay tuned. These are followed by successful business people.


Self-worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about yourself, it is hard to feel good about anything.

“I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome”

Childhood – an important stage, the parent should be attentive!

Childhood is an important and highly attentive stage of every parent to nurture the children with the right habits, behaviours, intelligence, learning etc. The ongoing research which talks about brain development, human intelligence from different disciplines including clinical psychology, medicines, cognitive science, education are providing immense information with profound implication to education. It is challenging for traditional education and learning approach.

The most unique humane inheritance is a superior brain, which has ensured supremacy and dominance. It consists of billions of nerve cells with countless interconnecting pathways. It controls the function of the body through a well structured and complex network of nerves. The ability to learn, human intelligence, efficient learning style should be well taught and implemented for guiding the children in the right direction. The most important tasks such as self-development, emotional stability, how to deal with life challenges, frustration are clearly taught at the early stage itself. It gives children a great moment to see life and adapt to the situation positively.

Career and Profession:

There is always confusion about career and profession. Which one is first and which one is next? The term “career” encompasses all jobs or business or any type of work performed by an individual in his life cycle and it can’t be individualized. Its a bundle of ideas and not broken down into what you desire specifically?

The term “profession” is an occupation for which a person should have good knowledge and skills to perform. So the career option is what you do self-exploration, identify your passion, and do the analysis as I have illustrated under the “Career Assessment” page. Once it is learned and trained, you can do further analysis by yourself and get involved in a process where it gives a clear idea and guidance for pursuance rather than confusion. This is what missing with the majority of the students related to academics learning. Then, they are at a crossroad and confused about what is next?

While studying, you should clear doubts about the learnings ideas, lifestyle to be led, the path of success. There are so many theories, documents, books, periodicals to read and learn about academics. The present trend becomes so bubbling, the distraction in understanding any subject or ideas are minimized. It is better to go with a mentor who could guide you. It saves your time and also gets varied ideas to review and develop. 

Career and Aspiration:

The career term is defined as above, and the term “aspiration” is your strong desire to get involved. It’s all to know how many hours you are going to invest after your graduation in a degree or diploma. In a job, you need to spend 40 hours a week in a typical multinational company plus your extra load of works to do when you are responsible for growth. When your aspiration becomes so strong to achieve what you plan at the tender age after graduation or planning during the final year of graduation, then it becomes your yardstick to govern your growth prospects. When you wanted to develop an organization, it keeps your complete involvement for initial set up and growth and then you can establish the system to monitor by yourself personally as well as virtually. So, it all based on your aspiration. As per Earl Nightingale, you become what you think about it.

The future depends on what you do today.

The theory of intelligence goes with two fundamental assumptions traditionally, i.e.

  1. Human cognition is unitary.
  2. A single, quantifiable intelligence for every individual.

Such a theory of intelligence created a mindset of, who is smart and who is intelligent? Who has the potential to be smart, outperformer etc? It differentiates the students and makes them feel like losing self-confidence, which is vital for every student to shine better in life. This is dominant in the current educational system.
It is important to recall professor Reuven Feuerstein statement, who was a Clinical Psychologist who conducted extensive research for more than 50 years into developmental and cognitive issues from a cross-cultural perspective. In his research, he confirmed that the human brain has Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM). It is unlikely to judge anyone by seeing his/her IQ scores and it is also not a fixed entity. He firmly believed intelligence is dynamic and modifiable. It is re-emphasized that, it is not static or fixed. By effective guidance through a meditator or teacher with appropriate challenges given, it is not only correcting deficiencies in the fundamental thinking skills, focusing to improve span and quality, but it can also help to restructure the thinking pathway. It is important to note, these changes can happen at all ages and levels.

Step into the right career path:

Choose the right career and step in.

It is really a great endeavour of identifying strong intelligence as per Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence and promote them with young children. This approach provides a framework, how children learn and build their strongest assets. We can foster meaningful learning experiences by using multiple teaching tools, strategies and by building a positive and supportive relationship with children.

As per Dr Bruce Lipton, it is crucial for children from birth to age 6, the most influential programming of the subconscious mind occurs. The child’s brain record all sensory experiences, learning programs for speech, crawling, starting to get up, running, jumping and similar attention-grabbing activities. It is the stage, the child’s sensory systems are fully engaging and start downloading a huge amount of information. At this age, children develop foundational capabilities in a rapid way and subsequent developments would also occur. These critical dimensions of early development would certainly need focused attention. 

There are four different learning styles as per Neil Fleming’s VARK model. They are visual, aural, reading- writing and kinesthetics. By discovering the child’s learning style and areas of intelligence, parents could gather substantial details of their children and nurture them. This is a guiding factor for parents to monitor their children in a more attentive way and understand, what activities they should spend more time as children are curious and can absorb more knowledge.

Keep Weighing your worth?

Many times, we won’t understand the worth of each person? When you think about a lifestyle, you are pushed towards a choice of education. After your education, you push yourself for employment. Does everyone succeed in that exercise? Why the majority become lifelong employees? Is your passion spontaneous or planned?

Let’s grace life…

Can you say happily, you have learned the skills to lead a passionate life?

Having two eyes have a lot of things to see with desires, intentions, beauty etc. Do you feel awesome? Have you explored the ways and means to become a passionate soul in life? Life is full of fun and thrill. Most of them won’t handhold you. You need to see your hands having so much grip to hold first by you only. When you feel so gracious, then you can also make others feel such graciousness to lead a passionate life. To learn and train yourself at the right time.