Public Speaking
A way to conquer the world by yourself is only through public speaking!
When a person prepares to dare, then a new chapter begins for him/her. It is not easy to speak in stage seeing audiences and get into the given or chosen topic. It requires a lot of preparation like choosing the right topic, voice modulation, courage, timing, how to begin and end, etc.
The stage fear should be extinguished and it is a nuisance for a person who starts the public speaking at initial days. You become fearless and dare to face. Once it is practiced and then, fear runs away from a person where these take the stage under control. You are not you then, you become a star?
Are you ready to speak?
The body language for a public speaker is important like eye contact, gesticulation, smile, keep calm, authority, encourage participation, bring movement to your speech, body in the right posture, etc. I do a public talk and also keen to train deserving persons who should become a warrior in public speaking fort. Are you ready? Come and learn those secrets.
“Speech is power! It helps to persuade, compel, convert into your fort”
Your Power is sleeping in you?
It should be noted, many well-known public personalities are not becoming shining stars on the dais overnight. There are a lot of back works to be done and train themselves with a proper script, topics they are interested in, rehearsal, etc. It makes them polished well and do their best performance and get accolades.
Winston Churchill was not a born orator. He worked hard and transformed himself into a great public speaker. In his earlier career, he talked monotone without many changes, pitch, volume, pace, the power to apply appropriately, etc. However, at a later stage, the stage became his strength to deliver many speeches and earned more audiences to listen to his speeches. The power in him became sleepless.
Your power is sleeping in you. You need to tap and ignite with proper training.
When you dare to face, then people will look at you. You should learn to remove your fear from its root. You should niP in the bud. Because, if you start daring, you will feel the different world you have conquered. The kings who were conquered various countries, places during their ruling periods were based on a “dare to face” tactic by killing their fear psycho. You should dare now. It is the hidden psychology of the winners and it is rarely taught to others.