The soft skills are necessary for every one to shape his/ her attitudes and know about its importance in engaging meaningful interactions with others. Why Corporates Companies run this soft skills training program for their employees? They are imparting a high value to their employees by teaching soft skills to trigger the valuable skills to work for their advantage. For example, interpersonal skill is required to communicate and interact with other people. I have listed down important soft skills necessary to learn and train. It is required for both personal and professional life to bring a healthy and wealthy situation. It doesn’t talk about the qualification but, it is more of personality driven.
Have you thought about “negotiation” which happen in personal as well as official life on a frequent basis It happens in a daily life cycle too. In such case, it should be an important skill to know and explore although some part of it is happening in everyone’s life. A sequence of other skills are also becoming part of negotiation skill. What are they? When you go for negotiation call in official life, you need to know what are others tactics to be sharpened to achieve an art of negotiation. Some important other skills are communication, interpersonal, planning, strategy, persuasion, cooperation are becoming part of successful negotiation.
The sickness, diseases , disorders could also be overcome by properly practicing it. For example, when you have a stress, anxiety, then those are considered as disorders that could be managed initially and nullify over a period of time by adapting the situational challenges.
A new study from various colleges mainly from Harvard University, University of Michigan, Boston College infer soft skills training such as communication, problem solving boost the employees’ productivity and delivers double the return on investment due to higher productivity and 12 percentage retention too. I am taking information from reliable sources including Google.
Then, why it is not taught at young stage, or schools, or colleges? The human structure is having both hardware and software part in it. It may be a eye twisting question to you? Why? The hardware part is a physical body and software part is the feelings and it stimulates thinking process. The man started designing the draft of a computer after analyzing the complete human structure. The heart and brain play a vital parts of the whole body communication and also others parts stimulation are also involved. The complete human anatomy studied by medical doctors in their courses relate to these parts too.
The emotions surface through feelings play a great role. When there is a strong emotions break out, millions of neurons become more active. Do you believe, thinking process starts through different feelings every human feel time to time. From that, communication propels soft skills in which so many other skills will also visible. It gives a lot many insight about yourself. Unexplored paths become useless. So explore yourself to identify the uniqueness of you.
Some of the Soft skills required to be acquired and trained by everyone are mentioned below:
- Leadership skill
- Communication Skill
- Interpersonal Skill
- Conflict Free Work Style Skill
- Time Management Skill
- Team Work Skill
- Creative Skill
- Critical Thinking Skill
- Thinking Skill
- Adaptive Skill
- Work Ethic Skill
Above soft skills are required to be reviewed when you want to shape yourself and also practice, train and adapt in every day life. Life teaches many lessons through experience, the experience is shared by experts who accustomed and then, you are hearing those wonderful information from those experts at young stage. Just think about you, whether you are blessed to hear such highly valued details at an early stage? I have learned through the experience. Every skill has its own benefits and it shall be explored. What will fit you, you can select it.
Do you think any hurdle in building self-confident in life?
It has immense value when you realize it. No one could imagine so easily about the confident boosting your energy. Have you noticed the birds flying on the sky in the early morning to look for its foods? Do they have any prior information about its availability? It has no idea, but it flies with a damn confident of getting it. It is called a self-confident. No one being a hindrance in building a confident in you except yourself.?
You are your only limit?
The self -confident is one of the skills everyone should possess. Does it show the quality of what you are? In life, any situation may arise which requires complete control, so that the boundary in which you are surrounded could be nailed softy to see and turn such a situation in your favors. If self-confidence is more in you, your success stories continue and you are a person who sets the goal and achieves it.
You shouldn’t feel, every situation is the same. It is a mixture of different taste and you need to review, analyze, unthread and bring a complete shape. You should consider it as a challenge, have a complete belief, convert it into a highly positive accomplishment. It is not the case with everyone and every situation. If you analyze yourself and drive the best out of you, then there is no competition.
There is no competition because nobody can be me!
Self-confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how great you are if you can’t see it yourself.
There is a great say, think what you want, you become!
Self-Confidence is powerful and how effective, you believe yourself in handling and performing specific tasks. This may also be termed self-efficacy. It is an individual’s belief in their innate ability to achieve goals.
Albert Bandura, one of the leading researchers on this topic defined it as a personal judgment of “how effective one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations”.
How do you visualize yourself is a great learning curve. There are many steps to follow and implement which are going to be great learning from me. Your thought process should be changed completely to adapt self-confidence in your everyday walks of life.
It’s your road, and your are alone, others may walk in it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
Effective Communications:
The effective communication is an absolute must for every win! No one ever deny it and such skill is indispensable. You must stay ahead on communication skills where your success is counted. When two people start discussion, one should speak and another should listen. For an effective communication, either one should speak for a better clarity and applying the communication protocol too. In a group of people, one should talk and others should listen. The debate is also same and every one is given a time to speak and others in the forum should listen. If you take a huge crown gathering for a public speaking, one person will talk from dais and rest of the people should listen. It applies every where. You should have two basic attitudes.
- Have intention to listen.
- Ensure your ambience is silent.
A successful organization will be progressively tuned where new ideas are tried, tested and communicated to the entire team . So your words should have magic power. It is nothing but your power, your words bring power-packed energy. The right words could trigger many brilliant ideas, bringing fresh life in you, in your organization. It is evident from history, many battles won, victories achieved, big sacrifices made, all because of someone’s kind and powerful words made such difference. The wrong words at any point in time are detrimental which brings a catastrophic result. Your words are counted in your success. Many leaders fail due to misusage of words and dare to apply their authority only and not their influence. Even a hard heart will weep for kind words. It has immense power in human life. If you want to become a powerful leader, then sharpen your communications with kind words. You should review your attitude towards such communication.
A human can’t survive without oxygen, likewise, your words do great magic in your life. As the world is struggling in COIVD 19 pandemic situation and people struggle for getting oxygen, it shows the importance of Oxygen for life survival. It is an example. However, a clear communication is pertinent for success in every task being handled.
Communication to a relationship is like Oxygen to Life. Without it, it dies.
Communication is a channel for a person to understand first clearly and exchange the information, details in their best form for the other person to understand perfectly. There are two types of communication, one is verbal and another one is non-verbal. When you develop the habit of good listening with powerful attention, having a correct vision of what you are hearing, then your action could be seamlessly connected to pass the details or information without any hurdle to the other persons.
It is pertinent to make an impact on effective communication by the right strategy in any situation, so that appropriate results will be seen. There are three parts in our body that are important for communication. These are natural tools given by God and it should be utilized in a systematic way and practice yourself to implement. This could clear any chaos which may occur intentionally or unintentionally.
Do you ever guess, how powerful body parts in you which are underrated and not taken to their fullest advantage for your own benefits?
In such a case, you are at a loss? Unbelievable? You have been underutilized for not getting what you are supposed to get from it?
I must say this as you are on my site where you should get the advantages of learning more for your benefits and start thinking positively!
Your ears are wonderful hearing tools every human is gifted by God. In general, when your close relative or friend gives you a gift, how much care you give it for its safety and preservation? Of course, those are wonderful memories to cherish due to such an in-depth relationship you have built over a period of time. But, if your own property is uncared for unknown reasons till now, which is the most precious one you ever cherish, then who is at loss?
Do you know one important message about the ears? This is the first sensation God is creating for every child when the child is in the mother’s womb. Because it is known to people who do a lot of research on it. So be sharpen your hearing tool and start hearing from others to learn more.
Please note, when you speak, you are making others are benefiting from what you have learned. But it is one way. However, when hearing more, you are learning more irresistibly which has a dual benefit.
The phrase to remember,
The most important thing in communication is, hearing what is not said. Seek first to understand and then to be understood is always resonate.
Common Barriers to Effective Communication:
The most common barriers to effective listening and communications are listed above. Though I have listed various barriers for communication, the most dangerous one is a prejudice. Few barriers mentioned above could be rectified by proper self review and practice like language, culture, interruption, noise, distraction. It requires a strong and effective soft skills learning to overcome such obstacles. If the above problems do occur, then the essence of effective communication will loose its merits. You should learn how to overcome those barriers and make effective communication a trump for success.
Team Work- An Indispensable Act!
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; Working together is a success, but all together is teamwork.
The team work plays an important role in personal and official life. There is a say, single hand won’t make a sound. So, two hands are required to make a sound to be heard by others. Every individual has inherent talents and skills acquired at different stages in life. The talents are inborn and the skills are acquired from time to time. Some of them are listed below:
- Listening
- Networking
- Brainstorming
- Reading
- Writing
- Researching
- Self Organizing
- Inspiring
- Special Character
- Networking
- Innovate
- Critical Thinking
- Creative Thinking
- Communication
- Leadership
- Time Management
- Thinker
- Quick Learner
- Team Leader
- Motivation
- Perseverance
- Courageous
I would like to recall some famous quotes from well-known personalities regarding the "teamwork":
A crazy person who risks their own money for freedom, rather than exchanging their freedom for money.
In life and business, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together- Tata.
A bigger the dream, the more important it is to the team. Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people- Steve Jobs.
Do not learn how to react. Learn how to respond. You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things - Mother Teresa.
Teamwork plays a vital role in organizing the works perfectly. It's an essential attribute for people who wanted to succeed in their life. There is no better medicine than teamwork which gives a stupendous success. It gives fun while working as a team. If your work in not fun, then you are not playing with the right team. One should also understand, teamwork erases your fear. When you dare to work as a team, you can see an exponential growth both in personal and official life. You may notice, fear will be in the same place next year when you grow. But remember, you grow certainly.
Conflict-Free Work Style:
African proverb: “ When spiderweb unites, it can halt even a lion”
It is an inspiring proverb which adds more clarity of understanding, how heart and mind should unite and work together. I am discussing about one of the main topics in all walks of life. Whether you work in a professional organization or leading a personal life, every where you can see the spark of conflict in some or other form. What would be the ultimate result? It breaks aggressively and achievement would suffer which results in a de-growth in a mutual way. .
In professional organization, many such incidents do occur mainly due to egotism. It is a great barrier for all your opportunities and growth. It is like a virus and keep intruding in you. It creates a huge impact in the peace of mind. It is a feeling. But it keeps pulling you to the strongest string of despair. It happens between boss- subordinates, between departments, between big top management colleagues, between colleagues of various departments where work suffer. the ultimate loser is a company. Employees do earn the salary and keeps continuing in the job. However, it would come to the notice of top management over a period of time if not immediately known. That's why companies do have "hawk eyes strategy" on all. It could happen or may not happen in a right way. Those instructional or monitoring based techniques won't work out for a longer period.
Here, educating harmony is important which could exhibit peaceful coexistence. when it is understood properly If it happens within you and transform every employee in a fair and honest way, the company growth could be multifold. The art of learning to control and convince your heart and mind would be a great exercise.
The conflict-free work style is inevitably important in personal as well as in official life. It kicks you to do unwanted things which result in unproductive way. The aftereffect is highly dangerous and it deteriorates everyone for not doing constructive activities, and then the employees engagement would be poorly achieved.
When conflicts surmount/stacks, you can't see light in the tunnel.
What is Conflict Management ?
It is the process to be practiced to unlock the heart and connect well with the mind to propel positive thoughts.
No one can achieve a fruitful result without a team. Connecting the people with an amicable mind to act unitedly will yield a result. Because unity is power. Human minds do have many thinking processes and flying with millions of thoughts. One should practice the required points of interest in any given situation to a laser-focused way and conclude with a perfect decision.
The opinion difference makes you away from a good relationship, rather you think it over and see why it happens? There are so many ways, you can review the occurrence of such deficiencies, give a deep thought over it and try to quench your anxiety and come out from it.
The long built relationship shouldn't spoil your mind, thereby you lose your strength and become sick on your own. In today's life cycle, there is no disease rather innumerable disorders. That causes severe pain in you and it gives worse than before health. If you hate others, you are ruining yourself and your beautiful health of yours try to move away from you. The guy whom you have hated won't get affected. This is the secret of compelling conflict-free life. It may happen either in your official life or personal life.
You read below the wall where you can see a great message and try to absorb it.
The conflict resolution relative term is also a problem solving. I can assure you, there is no space in the world you can survive without facing this major hiccup. It is an art to be learned for finding resolution for those conflicts. I have seen in my experience, no industry is left out without conflicts or problems. I faced so many hurdles in every industry I worked in solving so many complex issues, disputes, conflicts, problems. So many souls are living with a personal brand of so called ego either knowingly or unknowingly. It is killing every individual and making them stressed and anxiety in most of the cases. EGO is an Ever Growing Outburst of any person. It doesn't keep you cool, make you agitated always. You should learn the art of controlling it.
There are many ways the conflict could occur. I have listed some of the important occurrences used to happen in conflict management. As I have lot of exposure in handling conflicts at various levels within the companies I worked and also with customers' side, those lessons are my golden nuggets. By handling various conflicts, it enlightens me with different ideas, pros and cons of conflict, decision making ability, challenging the situations, personalities clashes, convincing power, drill down the complex challenges, arriving a mutual understanding, solving customers pain points, getting satisfactory results, closing those challengeable sites with proper acknowledgement including Minutes of Meetings records, Progressive Statements records, Punch Lists closure record, convincing customers to release the pending milestone payments, getting change orders in certain situation etc. are my learnings. I have found out my unique skill of finding solutions to any conflict situations. That unique learning put me a cap to occupy such a position where there is no competition. That's why I teach the most important missing things happening across and train my community to acquire such habits, skills and knowledge. You can see here, I have listed few bullet points regarding the conflict occurrence and a similar situation that could pull the strings of conflict. These below listed occurrences are important to remember in which sub categories as I listed in Mindmap could be reviewed also.
Stressful and Exhaustive Situation.
Complaints and Criticisms.
Control or Security threatening.
Requests or orders not followed.
A difference of Opinion and Personality Clashes.
The conflict-free work style or lifestyle could be achieved by the below technique:
- Transformation is by L2S Golden Technique.
I am using above techniques to teach and train my community. This is one of the main skills every one should learn and adapt in your life. You may be studying, working, doing business, leading a personal life etc. Every where such occurrences do happen and I experienced too also. When you grow older, you may look for higher responsibilities status where this would crop up like a lion. You should dare to face.
Interpersonal Relationship:
The interpersonal relationship is developed by a close association between two or more persons who share common interests and goals.
It hurts when you realize you are not as important to someone as you thought you were.
If you want me in your business success, put me there. I should not be fighting for a spot.
Everyone should possess a strong association among individuals working in the same organization of various departments, ensure you are communicating and engaging yourself with others and show solidarity, then the relationship becomes a powerful forte where you feel, you are not single but in a group. It helps everyone to feel the comforts, discuss the issues across the table with openness and you could find out the way for the perfect solution.
The art of speaking and mingling together and taking a decision with a group motto never fail. In fact, your competition feels, how are they successful? Your strong perseverance towards interpersonal skills facilitates the strongest teamwork which works like magic. Interpersonal relationships serve a critical role in your work success and career progress. It helps to keep the communication channel open. It shows the positive interpersonal relationship for effective communication and employees' understanding. There are steps to follow and it could be taught during the training program. Team and collaboration with interpersonal skills are the blessed orchids.
Real leadership is indomitable.
" Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others- John Maxwell.
The great leaders are those who taught the right things and showed you, how to do it. The mistakes are swallowed by them and credits are shared by them to the team. I recall the saying of APJ. Abdul Kalam about his boss, Prof. Satish Dawan, what an amazing leader? He was narrating the SLV missile launch failure story and also the success story. When it was failed for the first time, Prof. Satish Dawan took the blame. The next time, when it was successfully launched, he gave the credit to APJ. Abdul Kalam and his team. This is what he said, what an amazing boss!
"Being a leader is not about being in front; it is about taking care of your team". This is what, leadership means.
Leadership is solving problems. The day your colleagues stop bringing their problems, that is the day you stop leading them. The reasons are many, but your involvement with the team brings victory.
There are many great qualities for leaders and let's see some of them:
- Selfless Personality.
- Humility.
- Empathy.
- Shouldering the team.
- Gratitude.
- Integrity.
- Visionary.
- Authenticity.
- Cool Minded.
- Lifelong Learner.
Leaders motivate people to pursue actions, focus on thinking, and shape decisions for organization growth. They do connect, care others and communicate well with clarity for others to understand and implement it. They tend to be proactive and not feeling busy when actions are inevitable. Their actions are immediate and make things simple, clear and understandable. They do decisive decisions and walk their talks. They develop high personality team culture. During the training, further details shall be pursued.
Do you influence or apply authority?
Please note, I have listed below with sketches of two great attitudes of a leader. Whether a leader simply apply his or her authority to get the work done or drive the team or apply influence. When a leader apply his authority, probably he could drive his team, but it can't go for a loner period. Why? You should understand the human tendency. Every one is embedded with great feelings irrespective of a person's status. When you apply your soft skills to shape a person under your team, he would become a lifelong contributor and express his gratitude to you whenever he remembers or seeing you. So, remember a soft part of persons or employees. Authority is a time bound. It never give you any status when you become older.
The meetings bound to happen in an office. Have you thought over, how many of your employees are physically present and how many are present mentally? I am sure, most of them would be physically present and mentally absent. Why? You are applying authority ,not influence?
Every leader has great potential to explore and shine not only himself but their team too. In my experience. the exemplary caliber of real leadership is not visible. The leader should influence others and should not apply authority. The golden goose may not live healthy when you apply such ill tactics. In many companies, the leaders feel they are empowered to do or act as per their wish. The natural capacity of a person won't be felt when you apply it. The psychology of a person, his mind will act differently at a different time. The motivation should be scaled up as it keeps varying from time to time. Be a real and charismatic leader is a boon.
Is Board Room empty?
In the present situation, the majority of the companies are conducting frequent board meetings and they are given a life-health punch to all employees. The challenges are many and an optimistic outlook of conversion gives a personal and official life imbalanced. Do they smile? If so, it gives a tonic to their health. The boss thinks about what he wants to implement and it will be declared in the meeting. The employees are having different opinions or thought processes of going ahead with what the boss says so.
We refuse to believe that which we do not understand. We foolishly believe that our own limitations are the proper measure of limitations.
The boss's job is meticulous to make the subordinates highly "engaged" rather than to be a disengaged relationship. The fruits bearing trees do attract more people to look at it and feel like eating those riped fruits. The boss should attract and not expect to see their subordinates follow him.
"You are the master of your fate; the captain of the soul" as per Henley.
Success comes to those who become success conscious. The art of changing your mind from challenging consciousness to success conscious is the daring belief in you. The weakness of the majority of people in the habit of measuring everything, and every one by your own impression and beliefs.
Be Creative and Explore your Skills:
In life, there are times people would starring at you or tilting their eyebrows to see, who is this? This gives an impact, how are you creative enough to become a personality in limelight. If you want to explore creativity, then you should remove your mental barriers and start looking into your creative world. It opens many doors of innovation and thereby you can see the colorful ideas navigate around you and helps to build mind-blowing constructive blueprint thoughts. Creativity takes a strong person to do their own thing and not wait for anybody else.
What causes creativity?
- Energy: To explore and think more.
- Observation: Seeing problems and ideas.
- Humility: You don't know everything.
- Curiosity: Exploring and experimenting.
- Confidence: Ability to question having no fear.
- Action: It is doing and not only thinking.
Creativity is not something exotic rare trait applicable for certain people. It is a common and natural phenomenon available to everyone. You need to tap and ignite. Then it starts a flame. Creativity is an art. Many times, when someone or a company wanted to develop a new product or solution, then they hire fresh graduates and give them the task with specific instruction. Then they start thinking and developing a new product or solution which is not available in the market so far. This is the way, innovations would happen. Everyone should need to develop this special trait called "creativity" which brings an amazing product, solutions, plan, idea to swing the market.
What is planted in each person’s soul will sprout.
Think about your talents, skills invisible in you and start pulling them out. You will succeed!
Time Management:
The most precious and non-recoverable!
"Time and tide never wait for anyone!
What an amazing fact about time. Time management is quite impractical in most of your life. But it should be made practical by planning in a seamless way and implement it. You cant be always productive and should look for individual productive time to adapt it. Time lost is never gained. It is highly precious and effective time management is a key to success.
A powerful message from Abraham Lincoln is
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours in sharpening the axe".
There are ways and means to measure our time and manage it wisely. A wise man sharpens his blade to cut down the woods, an Engineer plan well in advance to carry out his construction activities, a housewife plans her time to manage cooking, managing her children, her house, but a lazy person finds all reasons not to manage the timing but manage his boss. Is it called intelligence attitude or something else? If anyone finds the reasons to safeguard himself by procrastinating the works, then he deserves a time management training. If time losses, then it becomes a permanent loss and nothing could be substituted.
If there is something which could make you follow time, then you are at right place.
Boosting your productivity:
The time management also involves how productive you are? You can buy a house, car, land, jewels back after you have regained control from losing; but time lost is lost. What ever be the stage you are, time management is important to bring a self-productivity a shining booster in life. No one will ask you about what you are losing. When you start shining, people will look at you. Boosting your productivity makes life goal achieved. How is productivity gained? You should be surrounded by a serene atmosphere, mind loaded with happiness, nontoxic surroundings, learning new things every day and applying it. Count your productive days in life to be passionately successful. There may be challenges in life to find happiness, the best atmosphere, new learnings etc. But these challenges shall be converted into an achievable task for accomplishment. That's why, I emphasize, never stop learning. It is an unsubstituted art and most of them may not be aware of it. After graduation, the task can't be earnings alone, but learnings are also important.
When you enhance the knowledge and the brain works well for a lifelong period. The fast-moving world is looking for traits who are out-smart, street smart to perform out of box thinking genius. The productive process in you should also be bringing success from the personal life cycle. So, you need to plan your personal time per day that gives catalytic energy to boost your official work and help to achieve work-life balance,
The work-life balance is a subject to be reviewed frequently and plug out the loop holes in it. Your attitude, skills and knowledge (ASK) should have a considerable strength to give back its worth. An incident always has an antecedent. So, the incidents happening in you, around you should have a value pursuit of your antecedents.
Explore and Grow!
You are the boss!
The power of self- analysis, self- awareness are very important in modern life. You should always think positive and it creates positive feelings. Your confidence grows exponentially when you step out of comfort zone. You should believe yourself and your abilities.
You should observe people, review yourself, analyze the group of people, to keep eye-in- eye with every action you do and then shape up your thoughts to build a zoomed sketch of what you want to be? You must travel and see different places, environment, people, activities, culture, behaviors, cleanliness and compare what you see and observe over in your place. This gives a constructive idea to explore yourself and come out with new ideas. You should detach with your surroundings and attach with new surroundings time to time which gives great learnings.
Asking more question by oneself would open the door of imagination, review about what you are, what you need to explore and enhance? You may also know by this process, what career do I select? The career selection is not purely based on curriculum you chose, it is by exploring your passion. The people who studied engineering, medicines, law, arts and science, agriculture etc. are not really sticking to their profession. I am not mentioning all, but a considerable number of professionals do look for diversion in their life. Why? It is a big question to explore by every new young student. I am also having different passion although I passed out engineering and did a job for 28 years in my life. I have learned a lot and I am a life long learner too. My passion is always learning new things and explore various beneficial ways for better living and guide the younger generation to get the best out of it. So, ask many questions and try to find out reasonable answers through referring books, research, articles. And also listen to podcasts and videos available in social media. You can also look out for mentor, coach when your thirst becomes so strong. Because, many famous trainers, coaches, mentors learn from previous generation genius. It is a paradigm shift.
Keep asking more questions by yourself, make you shine like a treated gold. When you ask more questions by yourself, you are qualifying for exploring yourself. KNOW YOURSELF is a quest to explore and find out.
Try to shine ever and make your worth amazing to others. You should create history!
Cognitive Thinking:
"Use your mind effectively to achieve your goals"!
The human brain is an amazing part of a body created by God. There is nothing equivalent to its worth. The human brain uses the fundamental set of skills called, cognitive which is highly productive in tackling mental tasks with accomplishment. The cognitive skills are the main skills our brain uses to think, read, remember, observe, attentive, recall, reasoning. It includes verbal, spatial, psychomotor, processing speed. It talks about memory, new learning ability, speech, understanding of written information.
Your brain circuit needs to be always wired and connected with new learnings, thinking and occupied productively. The cognitive skills could be improved by way of sound sleep, nutritious food, reduce stress, do puzzle game, have a break in work in between, good exercise, early wake-up, the cool mind will help your brain trigger with high productivity.
The frontal lobe of the brain part is responsible for initiating and coordinating motor movements. The problem solving, thinking, planning, organizing, emotional makeup are part of these process. The basic mental process such as sensation, attention, perception. The memory, learning, intelligence are part of a complex process in addition to some more details mentioned above.
It is a true picture in a real sense, you should respond and not react for happenings. The thought process of successful people:
As per Herbert Otto, "it is clear that persons who live close to their capacity, who continue to activate their potential, have a pronounced sense of well-being and considerable energy. They see themselves as leading purposeful and creative lives".
The successful people are not without problems- they have learned to solve their problems. The best advice here is, don't waste your time for needless and worthless worries. The human mind is a big differentiator among other creations by God.
Learning is a process and never-ending:
Be a lifelong learner!
Knowledge is power!
Have a fire of ever learning and earning in you!
Learning is a skill and you should program your mind to be a life long learner. It never ends. The art of learning should be developed and habituated. You could understand so many unknown, untold, unexplored and much simple information which is vital and could also be ignored as a matter of not knowing its importance. You may inherit certain skills but many are tailor-made for students to look for opportunities which could be designed to impart those skills. You should engage in knowing the real world of work and the real-world challenges. You are aware of this statement, knowing is believing. You should create an opportunity and space to learn and explore s world is dominated by challenges. If you want to be the part of this challenge, then the methodological learning and understand is important to score in real-life activities.
When you are doing the main course in academics, there are many other skills to be learned. So, don't stop over there. Be vigil in exploring unexplored skills in you. That's the trump card for your life success.
A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone.
You should be like a thirsty crow and its story was studied in your lower class. What a marvelous story and it's moral. Life is like an oasis. What you see there won't be available when you come here. The story of thirsty crow teaches a great lesson in life. When you see and it is available, but you know, can't get it. You must try and should use your mind, how to get it. The mind is a wonderful part of the human body and it is unused mostly as per psychologist.
Life is Beautiful -
Love and Enjoy without Stress!
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me!
The amazing orchid could accommodate endless beautiful birds, trees, herbs, flowers, etc. The chirping sounds, humming from birds, sounds from river flowing, cool and chillness make it still more attractive and awesome appeal from nature to soak the hearts in more deep calmness to generate the inner vibration of tranquility. The magic sounds, scenes make the heart so peaceful and it is not comparable with anything. The undisturbed mind could generate millions of worthful ideas for humanity.
There are forces facing minds to distract, redirect the attention and make unworthy for life when you look into it. The young energetic perseverance should flow till the age of hexagenerian and more. To adapt to the lifestyle, where you could absorb the disturbance and distraction for more meaningful conversion.
You should love yourself. Don't ever undermine your self- worth. You shouldn't expect someone to bring flowers to you, but you need to awaken your memory and ensure to plant a garden and decorate it. By this way, you could smell and enjoy and let others also to smell and enjoy. You don't worry about those who talk behind you, they are obviously behind you for a reason.
Life always offers a second chance. That is called tomorrow. The second chance is always dangerous as you don't know, whether you get it or not. As per Charles R. Swindoll,
" Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
In life, you should learn to live fully and empower yourself to approve the required actions as quickly as possible. You should carry your memories and leave the footprints. If you manage to bring happiness, then you have learned the art of blessing of bliss.
When you forget the conversion of worries, then you are inviting stress. Come and find the stress free lifestyle.
As per George Bernard Shaw, "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself"
Life becomes so colorful when you live with a pure heart!
In life, many people won't recognize how to win yourself. This art is somewhat messed up in a normal lifestyle. You can see God's creations and every creation has a definite meaning. We are also created for a purpose. You should realize the inner beauty by closing your eyes. When eyes are closed, the beauties are felt and not seen. When you learn and train your heart, then you become awesome. The unadulterated, unpolluted heart with meaningful thoughts take you to the greatest height in life. Living consciously unconscious life kicks your fruits out of your box. You shouldn't carry an empty basket. You should become a master of the life game.
Procrastination - fine-tune its button!
"Time and tide never wait for anyone".
The thief of all time is procrastination. It never allows anyone to perform in time. The reasons for the delay will keep piling up like a mountain, but it won't be cleared. In any activity, if a delay happens, then there won't be a real success. There are elements in an organization who work at their own pace to delay every process. Finally, it shoots up the pressure and stress. However, the delay occurred is more delayed than reduced delay. It could happen in personal and official life.
In an organization, there should be an action plan with a target to move ahead for any activities to be completed in time. If there is no measuring yard, then there is an assured delay. The delay cycle surmounts huge work and activities to be completed. The process could be automated and it could move as per the scheduled cycle and time. The human process is a problematic area where the technique of no procrastination should be taught. So, its activities require fine-tuning of its button.
This picture is shown to trigger your action wherever you are? If you decide to jump, you should perform it.
Time is what we want most and how we use it is a big question?
Time lost is never gained.
The time-killing process should be nib in the bud.